Create your custom secret diary with just a few, simple clicks.
Personalizzalo’s secret diary is a unique and original way to preserve stories, thoughts and secrets. Thanks to our practical online application, you can make the custom diary of your dreams! All you need are a few minutes and an internet connection; by following the simple steps below, you can choose the style you want for your precious diary.
Click on the CREATE SECRET DIARY button;
Upload a photograph or graphic design of your choice. If you can’t find the right idea, you can take a look at our artist gallery;
Position, crop and rotate the image with the help of the real-time preview;
If you want, you can add text or a special phrase;
Check the preview of your creation and confirm the order;
What are you waiting for? The secret diary you have been waiting for is here: create it and have it delivered directly to your home in 4-7 working days!
Custom Notebook:
Details make difference
100% Guaranteed quality
A customized notebook, a fantastic gift idea!
Make someone feel important by giving them a custom secret diary. Give a precious and personal gift, one which will hold memories and thoughts. An unusual gift, make especially for the recipient!
Customized notebooks, a fantastic gift idea!
Give an original customized secret diary for Christmas, for an anniversary, for St. Valentine’s day, for a name day, a degree or diploma graduation, or for any other important occasion.
As well as small notebooks, you can also customize:
Customized secret diary: fantastic gifts!
These small secret diaries are compact and rigid. They are perfect for carrying around with ease, and for keeping at hand. Lend colour and style to your words with Personalizzalo!
If instead you are a sector professional or a shop-owner, and you are interested in offering Personalizzalo’s services, you can contact us with the dedicated form BECOME A RETAILER, entering all the necessary information. One of our sales managers will contact you by phone to answer your questions.
The perfect secret diary!
What are the essential characteristics of a secret diary?
Long-lasting: memories are collected over time, and so it is fundamental that your secret diary is resistant and long-lasting. This is why we use exclusively certified, top-quality material and qualified Italian labour for the manufacturing of our products.
Quality materials: as a secret diary is a precious object, we have chosen to use a heavier paper, 100 g/square metre, perfect for all kinds of glue or ink.
Portability: another fundamental aspect for those who keep a secret diary is the size. The perfect secret diary needs to be easily portable, so that you can always have it with you. This is why our secret diary is 12 x 16.5 cm; the right balance between spacious pages for writing, and compact dimensions for carrying around!
Confidentiality: last but not least, an iron padlock (with a spare key), which is essential in any decent secret diary!
Tra i nostri prodotti personalizzati, c'è quello giusto per te!
Personalizzalo offre una vasta gamma di prodotti personalizzati: partendo dalle cover personalizzate che sono da anni il nostro fiore all’occhiello, fino alle agende personalizzate, alle magliette, alle chiavette USB personalizzate e tanto altro.
Ecco alcuni consigli pratici per le immagini: scegline una di buona qualità, che misuri almeno 1500 pixel sul lato lungo se vuoi personalizzare una cover, e almento 2500 pixel per gli oggetti personalizzabili più grandi (come custodie MacBook, taccuini o t-shirt). Per poter essere caricata sulla nostra piattaforma, l'immagine non deve superare i 2MB di peso. I formati dell'immagine consigliati sono il JPG in caso di immagini con sfumature (fotografie) e il PNG in caso di immagini a tinta piatta con contorni definiti (grafiche).