gift ideas


An original gift idea, for any occasion.

Are you looking for a great gift idea? Create customized cases for smartphones or tablets, notebooks, t-shirts, and much more. We will ship your custom gift worldwide in 72 hours! Get ready? Start now creating your custom gift, a great gift idea for any occasion!

Gift Idea:

Details makes difference

100% Guaranteed quality

How to make your own gift.

If you would like to make your very own custom gift, Personalizzalo can help you: choose among the available products like phone cases, t-shorts, notebooks and much more, and follow the simple steps of our on-line app. Create a custom gift it has never been so easy! All our custom gifts are great quality product, that will surprise all your friends. You only use your imagination, we will make all the rest: we will customize your gift, and we will ship it worldwide, in only 72 hours!

A fantastic gift idea!

Did you ever think that customized cases or notebooks, or t-shirts could be a highly original gift idea, perfect for friends, relatives, or that special someone? We know how important it is for a gift to be perfect, with careful attention paid to every detail: this is why we put great care and attention into the production of our custom cases, and we send them in a protective envelope to you, or to whoever you wish, with free delivery, within 72 hours! 

 If you are short of ideas, you can create an original gift using one of the images on offer from our artists in the Personalizzalo gallery: they are all exclusive and carefully chosen images, which will make your gift even more special. What are you waiting for? Start customizing a case straight away!


If you are a sector professional or a retailer, and you are interested in offering a mobile phone case or accessory customization service in your store, CONTACT US by using the dedicated form, entering all the necessary information. Our staff will contact you as soon as possible to give you all the necessary information.

On Personalizzalo you can create... ARTISTIC GIFTS!

Selected Italian artists have created a series of original, unique and exclusive graphics with which to customize your gifts! Visit the artist area and discover the image gallery, where you can choose your favourite image!